The definition
of archaic fear, according to Merriam-Webster, is to feel fear in oneself. This type of fear can be a writer’s worst
enemy. I should know I persevere from it
all the time. How about you?
It’s not easy
for writers to admit from time to time they suffer from the fear of failure,
fear of not being good enough or the worst form of archaic fear; fear of
success. These three types of fear are
what many times cause the clichéd term, “writer’s block, and if allowed free to
grow and fester in a writer’s mind can lead to the difference between them becoming
a writer and only dreaming of being a writer.
Let’s explore:
Let’s explore:
Often times,
the fear of failure and perfectionism go hand in hand. It’s not to say perfectionism is a bad thing. For some it is the drive behind the pride in
their work or the reason they never give up until the end. But it does become a bad thing for us writers
when we allow it to hinder us from moving forward by stopping at every ;, ., :,
“ “, !, ?. I bet that slowed you down in
your tracks and made you say, “Huh?”
That is what
happens when we let perfectionism take over and stop us from allowing the story
driving us crazy inside our head to come alive. By stopping at every sentence, paragraph or corner to self-edit before
the work is even completed we stop the creative process dead in its tracks and
suddenly we’re blaming, “writer’s block.”
Allow yourself to fail. There is
plenty of time for perfectionism in the rewrite.
self-doubt, those mixed perceptions one has which only to the person having
them are reality. Many writers can
relate to being given the advice, “If you ever want to be a good writer, read,
read and read great literature so you know what good writing is.” Not bad advice if you are a student in the
history of literature, not so good if you have any desire to one day make your
dream of being a writer come true.
I’m by no
means saying do not read great literature or the work of authors who are
best-sellers. Like anything in learning
doing so helps you set a compass to challenge yourself to become the best writer
YOU can be. Think about a literary world
in which everyone wrote the same way or produced the same stories. What a boring unimaginative world it would
Read books
that inspire you, books that get your creative juices flowing and books that
educate you. Then, smash the images inside
your head telling you you’re not good enough and write, write, write what you
know, write what you like and write what you have to say!
To some, fear
of success is an oxymoron. But for
others, it can be likened to fiction and as any writer knows, a well written antagonist
is a mirrored image of the protagonist. In other words, on one hand you have the possibility of success, perhaps
a six figure deal, and on the other hand, you have the possibility of it changing
you from an aspiring writer into a writer terrified of keeping the momentum.
I believe it
important for a person to have a definition of what success looks and feels like
before they can judge whether they have succeeded or not. Success comes in many different sized packages,
and before that package can be opened I believe the single most important thing
any writer can do is to define what their success is going to look like.
For some, it
may be to have a short story published; their novel turned into a blockbuster
or to simply have a certain number of members join their blog. Therefore, in order to overcome fearing
success, you must first know what your success looks like. Define it, strive for it and if at first you
don’t succeed, redefine it and fine tune it until you do. Success is what you make it, not what it
makes of you.
Knowing what
you fear can help you overcome it and break free from its stronghold and
persevere in whatever endeavor you undertake. The next time you fear putting words to page, step back, take a deep
breath and confront what’s stopping you and write, write, write.
Until next
Keep on
thriving, keep on striving and keep on writing!
T.K. Millin
The Unknown