"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings but a cat does not." -Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ramblings of a Writer: The Art of Freewriting

Freewriting is a technique used to allow a writer to literally, get something down on paper. The technique is often times used to help overcome writer’s block or to see what ideas come to mind when one allows themselves to turn off their natural critic side of the brain and give full reign to their creative side.

Let’s explore:

Lately I haven’t been publishing as many blog articls as I would like to but I’ve been so busy lately with wriint and editing and Friday flash fiction which I reallt enjoy doing because it has helped me to learn to write faster and it also helps me to stay in a constant frame of creaitivy which I think is important to any writer. I hope to get back to a regulear schedule because I miss my blogging companions but it is also important to keep on writing and writing and writnng. I really don’t like seeing all the red underlines but I also like turning of muhy internal cridict and not worrying about changing every little word as I write-

That is freewriting in a nutshell. No need to worry about sentence structure, grammar, spelling or if it makes any sense. I let my mind type what I was thinking and the words just flowed out. Now it’s your turn, go ahead and try it! What did you discover?

The first couple of times I attempted freewriting, it was very difficult to turn off my critic. I constantly wanted to hit the backspace button and fix the word or add a comma or edit its meaning. One day, I got an idea to make a deal with Mr. Critic. I agreed if he allowed me the opportunity to just let my creative side run with their ideas, I would come back later and let him do his job, and it worked!

When I find times where I feel my writing is stalling or the story needs to find its way, I go into freewriting mode and let my creative side do their job. Not only has freewriting been an amazing experience for me, it has also helped me to improve the speed at which I write.

Lesson learned? As with any story, there are two sides to writing. The fun side and the working side. By allowing your critic side to take a vacation while your creative side works is the fun side of writing; the artistic side if you will. Then once you have something down on paper, whether it’s a story or a blog article, it’s time for your critic to go to work. That is, the working side of writing. 

Unfortunately for the creative side, it never really gets to take a full vacation like Mr. Critic, it gets more of a restful nap. After all, Mr. Critic may be good at polishing, but he’s not so good at plotting, creating characters or twisting!

Although freewriting is a technique, it can have a profound effect on the content of your writing. In other words, you may surprise yourself by what is hiding deep down inside of you when you’re not constantly monitoring your every word. Some writers consider themselves to be a vessel for which the words can flow from, rather than the creator of the words. No matter which side of the fence you are sitting, it is worth finding out what you say when your critic is on vacation!

If you’ve never tried freewriting, or if you have but it’s been a long time, take a little time during the week to set aside twenty or thirty minutes to just sit down and write whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about what you say, how you say it or whether your “T’s” are crossed or your “I’s” are dotted. Then set it aside for a day or two before revisiting it. You just may be surprised what was hiding inside wanting to come out!

Until next time,

Keep on thriving, keep on striving and keep on writing!

T.K. Millin
The Unknown Author

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post, my friend. Being a free spirit, I am quite used to freewriting. Nano says just to put it down and I think it works well. There is always time for polish later. I do all my writing like that actually. What comes out, comes out.

    Glad to see another fish.

